con la Sinistra dalla carta intestata a Internet (Writing
with the Left. From Letterhead to Internet)
Edited by S. Caretti, M. Degl'Innocenti, G. Silei
Publisher: Piero Lacaita
december 2002
pp. 170 - over 350 color illustrations
In 2002 the Associazione Nazionale "Sandro Pertini"
inaugurated a new series of illustrated paperback books,
Immagini e Parole (Pictures and Words), published by
Lacaita, designed to support the association's exhibitions.
This volume, edited by Stefano Caretti, Maurizio
degl'Innocenti, and Gianni Silei retraces,
iconographically, the path taken by the left in Italy and
in Europe in over one hundred years of political activity.
It is furnished with over 350 color illustrations starting
from letterheaded paper and the traditional symbols of the
workers' movement and reaching right up to modern forms of
representation based on new technologies, in particular,
those developed in the internet.
Pertini Combattente per la Libert� (Sandro Pertini
Fighter for Liberty)
Edited by S. Caretti and M. Degl'Innocenti
Publisher: Piero Lacaita Editore, Manduria-Bari-Rome
8th edition-January 2002 pp. 270 with 48 illustrations
This volume was presented to the public on December 7,
1996 in Savona in the presence of the President of the
Republic at the time, Oscar Luigi Scalfaro, in
collaboration with the Office of the Regional Prime
Minister of Liguria.
Starting in 1997, other presentations of this book
occurred in major Italian cities.
Pertini nella Storia d'Italia (Sandro Pertini in
Italian History)
Articles by G. Arf�, P. Caretti, F. Cerofolini, D.
Cofrancesco, M. Degl'Innocenti, E. Gallo, A. Ghirelli, A.
Manzella, G. Negri, G. Vassalli, Angelo Ventura
Publisher: Piero Lacaita Editore, Maduria-Bari-Rome,
Proceedings of the conference dedicated to Sandro Pertini
organized by the Associazione Nazionale Sandro Pertini in
Pertini e la bandiera italiana (Sandro Pertini and the
Italian Flag)
Edited by S. Caretti and M. Degl'Innocenti
Publisher: Piero Lacaita Editore Manduria-Bari-Rome.
pp. 370 with 169 illustrations
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